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RV 4

Vysokovýkonný hybridný zosilňovač s rozhraním Bluetooth® aptX™

  • High-end hybridný integrovaný zosilňovač
  • Valve sound and transistor power harmoniously combined
  • Digital section with Burr-Brown converter and Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX
  • High-quality solid metal enclosure with 8 mm front panel
  • Pre-out, Main-in, Phono pre-amplifier for MM and MC

Vysokovýkonný hybridný zosilňovač s rozhraním Bluetooth® aptX™

Hybridný zosilňovač Magnat RV 4 spája dokonalý zvuk a vysoký výkon: Kombinácia elektróniek a tranzistorov zabezpečuje požadované "teplo" pre analógové zvukové vlastnosti s vysokým výstupným výkonom. Majitelia RV 4 majú možnosť výberu z množstva analógových vstupov vrátane MM a MC, majú tiež možnosť koaxiálneho a optického digitálneho vstupu. Konvertor Burr-Brown bol použitý aj pre vstup Bluetooth 4.0 s aptX. Tento špičkový stereo zosilňovač tak kombinuje pocit a jednoduchosť použitia s najvyššími audiofilnými požiadavkami analógového aj digitálneho sveta.

Test reviews

What do trade magazines say about this product?

Exceptional hybrid concept

The audiophile heart of the Magnat RV 4 beats loudly and clearly in the pre-amp stage. Two high-quality, specially selected tubes produced in Russia are featured here. In this way, the Magnat engineers guarantee that the RV 4 delivers the warm tube sound so highly regarded among hi-fi fans. The necessary performance, with 150 watts RMS power output, is generated by the power amp with the help of high-quality Japanese transistors manufactured by Sanken.

Nostalgia meets wireless

With its wide variety of digital connection possibilities, the RV 4 delights both the purist vinyl enthusiast and the modern streaming fan. The integrated phono pre-amp has separate inputs for MM and MC systems, offering the possibility to enjoy your beloved record collection in the very best quality. But audiophile streaming fans are also catered for on account of the amplifier featuring a particularly high-quality Bluetooth module, including aptX.

Stylish, distinctive design

The audiophile tubes glow in warm orange, with the heat sink giving the high-end amplifier an individual appearance. The organic LED display provides information about the current volume and source selection status. The overall high-quality impression of the high-end amplifier is rounded off by an all-metal enclosure with an 8 mm front panel and the solid aluminium controls.

Technical specifications

Spotreba energie
  • 350 W
  • 1 kHz, 4Ω: 2 x 250 W
Výstupný výkon / nominálny
  • 20 Hz – 20 kHz, THD < 1.0%, 4 Ohm, 2 x 150 W
  • 20 Hz – 20 kHz, THD < 1.0%, 8 Ohm, 2 x 110 W
Frekvenčná odozva
  • Phono: 20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-0.2 dB)
  • Subsonic Filter: 16Hz, 18 dB/Oct.
  • CD/Tuner/Aux/Line/Tape/Digital: 8 Hz – 110 kHz (-3.0 dB), 20 Hz – 20 kHz (+/-0.1 dB)
Vstupná citlivosť
  • Digital: -13.5 dBFS
  • Phono MC: 0.25 mV/470 Ω
  • Phono MM: 2,5mV/47kΩ
Digitálne vstupy
  • koaxiál (cinch)
  • optický (Toslink™)
  • Podporovaná vzorkovacia frekvencia: 44,1/48/88,2/96/176,4/192kHz
  • Podporovaná bitová hĺbka: 16/24bit
  • Bluetooth® 4.0 / Qualcomm® aptX™
Sieťové napätie
  • 230 VAC / 50 Hz

Odstup signálu od šumu
  • Phono MM: 90 dB
  • CD/Tuner/Aux/Line/Tape: 110 dB (A)
  • Phono MC: 78 dB
  • Čierna
Rozmery (ŠxVxH)
  • Main unit: 434 x 157 x 360 mm (410 mm incl. controls and connectors)
  • Remote control: 40 x 100 x 16mm
  • 18.5 kg


Zosilňovač a napájania
  • Output rating of 150 watts of sine power per channel (4 ohms), max. total peak power of 500 watts
  • Elaborate power supply with separately stabilised supply voltage for the individual circuits
  • Performance-optimised high-capacity buffer capacitors from Vishay/BC-Components
  • Generously dimensioned toroidal transformer in a vibrationresistant and air-tight configuration
  • Discrete high-performance amplifier with high quality power transistors from Sanken (Japan)
  • Bluetooth® 4.0 / Qualcomm® aptX™
  • Perfectly tuned, audiophile components ensure a very harmonious sound
  • Stylish solid metal remote control for volume, input selection and mute function
  • Audiophile tube preamplifier with two high-end low-noise tubes (E88CC) produced in Russia
  • Modern connectivity with digital section and Bluetooth® input (4.0) with the high-end audio standard Qualcomm® aptX™
  • Discrete high-end phono preamplifier with separate inputs for MM and MC systems
  • High-quality Burr-Brown digital-analogue converter
  • Combines an audiophile tube preamplifier and a high-performance transistor output stage
  • Power amplifier input (Main In) for an easy integration into a home cinema system
  • Additional fixed level output (Rec Out)
  • Headphone output with high quality 6.3 mm jack
  • Output terminal with large, insulated speaker screw terminals
  • Preamplifier output (Pre Out) for connecting subwoofers or additional power amplifiers
  • Phono MM a MC vstupy
  • 4 vysoko úrovňové vstupy
  • Low-loss WIMA audio capacitors in the signal path
  • Particularly high-quality and low-noise SQ tube type, preselected and burned-in for 60 hours (Info: SQ („Special Quality“) is a high quality standard for tubes which was used e. g. for radio transmission technology and military purposes)
  • High quality tube sockets with gold-plated contacts
  • Input signal switching via high quality reed relays
  • Phono preamplifier with separate MM / MC inputs, low-noise operational amplifiers and subsonic filter
  • Digital input stage with an optical and an coaxial input for highresolution audio signals up to 192kHz/24bits
  • Volume control via high-precision motorised potentiometer from ALPS
Telo reproduktoru
  • Two solid heatsinks and a solid aluminium cover for transformer and power supply capacitors
  • Sturdy solid metal housing with 8 mm front panel
  • Solid aluminium control elements
  • High-contrast „Organic LED“ display
Povrch kabinetu
  • Čierna